Monday, September 1, 2008


Who's Your Mentor?! Don't have one, but wish you did? Depending on the culture of the company you are in, often times it is just a matter of ASKING. Send an email off to the top producers in your company. Ask them questions about how they got to where they are now. Heck, send an email to the OWNER of the company. Doing this tells you A LOT about the company. You will find out if there is a "sharing" culture or a dog eat dog, stay away from my bone culture. I did this 4 years ago when I started with my company. I sent 11 questions to about 24 women...the top 20 in sales from the previous year, as well as the 10 Advisory Board members. I'll list the questions below to give you an idea of what to ask. Guess what? Within 24 hours I had 18 responses!!  You won't know unless you try.

Check out the questions and use them to inspire you to new heights! There is absolutely NO reason to sit in your business recreating the wheel.

1. What is the best advice you have given or gotten regarding this business?

2. How do you organize your business (ie...keeping track of paperwork, sales, reporting, etc...)

3. How do you get prospects (parties, sales, clients)?

4. What kinds of recruiting/ porspecting do you do?  Can you teach me?

5. What is (are) your best seller(s)? Why?

6. How long is your presentation?

7. What is your definion of success?

8. What do you wish you had known when you started?

9. What is your best recruiting advice?

10. What question did I forget to ask?

What happens if you find that your company has a "no share" attitude? My advice would be to quit change that culture by being open and giving yourself. This does not mean sharing sales totals and screwing yourself out of the monthly contest or award! It means helping another human being. It means giving your new recruits the best possible start. It means showing yourself as someone who is open to giving AND receiving. There really are plenty of customers to go around, so get out there and gather some advice!

Another tip....go to the message boards and see what other consultants in your company are saying.

Here are a few good ones:

Do a search for your company, your products, direct sales, party get the idea. Then, become an expert by learning from others!

This post is dedicated to MY mentor and Friend. Linda Tallon. She answered the above questions 5 years ago and we have been friends ever since!

What are you waiting for? Get out there and stop reinventing the wheel!!!
There are even places to go, like Renegade University where you will get video tutorials and click by click assistance for getting your internet marketing up to snuff.